Quick Primer on Image-to-3d
Image to 3d has two modes. Fast Refine and Slow Refine`
The fast refine is fast, but lacks texture in the mesh. The slow refine is slow, but has texture in the mesh.
These two modes are controlled by the key refine_speed
in the create session API.
Mesh Generation mode has 4 steps, create, spin generation, preview and refine step.
To create a session, you upload the image_url along with the setting as mentioned in [Create Session]
The status returned upon succesful create is spin_generate_processing
Spin Generation
Once an image is uploaded, 4 spins are generated. You can choose anyone of these 4 spins to generate a preview.
This step takes around a minute to complete.
The status during this step is spin_generate_processing
The status returned upon succesful spin generation is spin_generate_done
The status returned upon the failure in this stage is spin_generate_failed
Preview Generation
Once you have chosen a spin, a preview mesh is generated The preview mesh is generated from the spin you have chosen
This step takes around a minute to complete.
The status during this step is training_preview
The status returned upon succesful preview mesh generation is preview_done
The status returned upon the failure in this stage is preview_failed
Refine Generation
After the preview mesh is generated, you can send the mesh for refine.
This step takes a while.
The status during this step is training_refine
The status returned upon succesful preview mesh generation is refine_done
The status returned upon the failure in this stage is refine_failed